-Herbal studies…herbal identification, tinctures, spritzers, poultices, salves
-Sustainable Reforestation Internship…learn to log with selective thinning and minimal impact
-Micolgy…learn from local micologists about the bounty of mushrooms that can be found here in the North Umpqua valley -Yoga…Teacher Training Course (TTC)
-Toltec paseos mágicos/Huichol chi
-Spiritual Warrior Boot camp
-Silent retreats
-Medicine retreats and ceremonies
-Art therapy
-Music therapy
-Flower of life and sacred geometry
-Martial arts…Jiu-jitsu, capoeira, tai chi, and chi gong
-Dance movement
-Mayan Astrology
-Massage therapy and courses
Other Activities
Fly fishing
Mountain biking
Absailing/repelling…250 foot cliff
Great tree climbing
Waterfall tours
Excellent swimming holes and cliff jumping
Horseback riding
Sweat lodges
Vision quest solos
Fantastic star gazing
Drumming and song circles by firelight
Overnight camping adventures

* Please note that except under certain circumstances...activities such as rafting, waterfall tours, rock repelling, etc. are not covered in the cost of a given course. Therefore, if interested in any of the above mentioned activities, please contact Ubuntu Gardens management for further details.
*Below is a further list of other types of courses that we hope to someday offer here at Ubuntu Gardens...please contact if you are interested in either attending or facilitating any one in particular:
Come learn to build with all locally harvested and all natural materials...featuring whole logs, stone and cob! Learn the basics of creating a foundation, framing a home, how to peel logs, how to build with stone, how to make the perfect cob mixtures, how to best apply the cob, etc. This course will be taught by cob master Becky Bee, the autor of ´The Cob Builders Handbook´. Come join us and take advantage of this great opportunity...learn from first hand experience...get your hands dirty and walk away feeling like you too one day could build your own all natural home. -$1,300
Learn about: soil life and science, organic farming, composting, seed saving, Fukuoka's method of natural farming, Native American Permaculture, sustainable community, sustainable economy, natural building, natural energy, water catchment / conservation, ecological design, urban permaculture, and much much more...
For this years PDC, we are honored to have as our lead instructors, Larry Korn who played a key role in the translating and editing of Fukuoka's ´The One Straw Revolution´ as well as Jeanette Acosta bringing in her amazing contribution of Native American wisdom and Permaculture fusion. In addition we will have as a guest teacher, master cob builder Becky Bee, the author of ´The Cob Builders Handbook´. This is going to be a fantastic course, don´t miss out on this amazing opportunity!!!

This course will be taught by Universal Healing Tao Senior Instructor Jon Ashley Weston, otherwise known as The Professor-Master of Nothingness. During this 7-day intensive workshop, you will gain a deep insight into the background and explanation of the Tao and Universal Healing Tao System. You will have the chance to learn ancient Inner Alchemical tecniques such as Cosmic Inner Smile, Chi Self Massage, Six Healing Sounds, Microcosmic Orbit Meditation, Three Fires (Tan Tiens), Iron Shirt Chi Kung, Bhi Belt, Healing Love Practice, and much more.
June 27th - July 13th, 2014
September 8th - 26th, 2014
*All prices listed below include all course fees, fresh daily organic vegetarian meals, and accommodation!!!
September 11th - September 26th, 2014

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All Rights Reserved